Hermes Knotting Cards

I can't resist to scarves especially when they are worn in a "strange-fabulous" way... That's way I'm making this post now with the help of Hermes Knotting Cards... I think that we used to get one card by purchasing an Hermes Scarf, but now they aren't available.. And here comes Ebay where we can find each one of three volumes.

Here are some ways to look fabulous and chic...

via here

I found at Hermes Usa a Pdf file of the first volume here

I really like to wear a scarf as an arm-band in the summer

You can find more ways to wea a scarf in the Ultimate Scarf Tying Guide and more videos here

I really like to tie scarves at my handbags, I find them chic and simple

I hope this is a helpfull post for scarf-lovers...

